Spring 2020 Season Cancelled

Dear Parents,

The purpose of this email is to give GL Coaches and Parents the latest update on the status of the CASL Spring 2020 Season. Based on today’s state call sponsored by Michigan State Youth Soccer, and the CASL Board Meeting, MSYSA announced that officially they are pushing the Spring Season start to May 14th, with the possibility of pushing it even longer. All premier, DA, and tournaments have been canceled for the spring season. This decision makes our Spring Season for CASL much less viable. So, with this email, it is official that CASL will unfortunately cancel the Spring 2020 season. We have been in contact with several of the local clubs that have made the decision to cancel their season for the same reasons as Grand Ledge. Grand Ledge teams will not have access to fields until June 1st, since the school grounds are closed until that time. This is a very hard choice, but as a board we feel it is the safest choice for all the parties involved.

Some important details related to this matter:

  • GLSC does not intend to keep any of the money that you paid for the Spring 2020 season. There will be a refund of any funds that were paid for Spring session. A few parents did pay, even though we did not officially open the website for payment. If you have questions on refunds please contact me, Eric Clark @ ericeclark3324@gmail.com
  • At this point MSYSA has not changed the tryouts dates for the Fall, so they are listed to start on June 13th. We will keep you updated on when Grand Ledge will hold tryouts for the Fall.

None of us could have ever expected a situation like the one that we are all facing. I am confident that with time, we will be able to work through and overcome all of this as a community. When restrictions are lifted, we will continue to communicate with coaches to open up training before the Fall season to keep the kids skills and development in a positive direction through summer. A few of our coaches have talked about doing drills online so kids can continue to grow. Our board will continue to communicate with coaches and parents via email and Facebook. Please stay healthy and safe.

Grand Ledge Soccer Club Board

Eric Clark